HTTP Errors-5 Most Common

HTTP Error Code :

1. 500 – Internal Server Error

2. 401 – Unauthorized

3. 400 – Bad Request

4. 403 – Forbidden

5. 404 – Not Found

1. 500 Internal Server Error

This is the most common HTTP error message that people see when they use the Internet. This is a generic error that can happen when a web server has a problem on the inside. Most of the time, Error 500 happens when the web hosting server is too busy. This error message can be fixed by,

1.1. Page Refreshing

1.2. Clearing browser’s cache

1.3. Removing web browser’s cookies

1.4. Restarting web browser

If your website has this problem, contact your host.

If it’s a WordPress site, one of your third-party plugins might be causing a problem.

Try deleting each plugin one at a time in the cPanel to identify  which one is causing the problem.


2.401 Unauthorized

A 401 unauthorized error is an HTTP error code message that usually happens when a user tries to visit,

2.1. An unauthorized website

2.2. An unsuccessful login attempt to an unauthorized website

Using cPanel, the webmaster typically safeguards these illegitimate websites with a password.

3.400 Bad Request

This error message indicates that your web browser failed to properly process your request. This often indicates that the data transmitted by the browser does not confirm to the HTTP protocol’s requirements. The server can’t process a request with incorrect syntax. This may suggest that the user‘s internet connection is unreliable. That there is a,

3.1. Internal security flaw in the operating system

3.2. Caching issue

3.3. Malfunctioning

4.403 Forbidden

If you try to access a restricted directory with a web browser, this error message will appear. This indicates that the page missing a login option. The most common reason a user might receive this error message is if the website does not allow users to enter the site’s file directory structure or if the requested file is not available via the web. You may enable 403 protection on your own site for security purposes by masking the directory structure or files containing sensitive data. This is an excellent method for protecting your website against hacking. Regardless of that many web servers provide this function by default,

You can add an additional protection level to your website by,

4.1. Opening cPanel account

4.2. Navigating to the Advanced menu box

4.3. Selecting Index Manager.

You can change how users see a certain directory on your website by choosing “No Indexing” on the directory you want to protect.


5.404 Not Found

When a user tries to go to a web page that doesn’t exist, a message that says “404 Not Found” will appear. This warning usually showed up when,

4.1. A user exits the browser

5.2. Press stop button

5.3. Too quickly clicks on a link

Nonetheless, it may also occur when a file is too huge or a server is operating too slowly.

You have probably experienced a 404 error when browsing the Internet. If the server cannot locate the requested location, a 404 error message will be displayed. This is often the result of an incorrect URL. However, it can also occur if a user attempts to view a page that has deleted or is temporarily unavailable. You should try to reducing the amount of 404 errors on your website as much as possible, as they nearly always boost your bounce rate.

The 404 not found message and the 410 error page are very similar. While both show that the server was unable to locate the requested file, the 410 indicates that this is a permanent condition, suggesting that the resource was likely made inaccessible on purpose.